
PSI Journal Club presents: Progressing Phase II Data into Phase III

Date: Thursday 23rd April 2020

Time: 4-5pm (BST)

Our two presenters are: 
  • Haolun Shi from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby: START: single‐to‐double arm transition design for phase II clinical trials
  • Daniele De Martini from Università degli Studi di Milano‐Bicocca, Milan: Empowering phase II clinical trials to reduce phase III failures 

The chair of the webinar is Andy Grieve from UCB.

The webinar is sponsored by Wiley who will make both papers free to access for a few weeks before and after the webinar, audio recordings will also become available shortly after the Journal Club to view from the PSI website.

Please click here to view the flyer.

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